Episode 5: The Pirate
March 31, 2023
Zeb Orrelios talks to Carson Teva at the bar to request support on Nevarro against the pirates. This scene cameos Zeb in the live-action Mandalorian series.
After last week’s episode, we had an exciting moment witnessing Ahmed Best, who played Jar Jar Binks in “The Phantom Menace,” playing Kelleran Beq. In this week’s episode, we are presented with a plan of how the rest of the season will play out along with the escape of Moff Gideon and Bo-Katan becoming a leader of the Mandalorians.
Episode 5 starts off with the pirates arriving back on Nevarro to attack Greef Karga because of the dispute that went on earlier in the season. Greef requests backup from the New Republic, but Carson Teva informs him that his alliance on Nevarro is now independent.
To help Greef’s case, Carson Teva travels to the Outer Rim to make contact with Din and the other Mandalorians to inform them that Greef is once again in trouble with the pirates. Din and the other Mandalorians agree to support Greef to help protect Nevarro from the pirates after discussion.
After a successful battle against the pirates, Greef Karga and his people are able to feel safe again, especially when he awards the Mandalorians free land allowing Greef to request for help whenever it is needed.
At the end of the episode, we get a glimpse of the ship that Moff Gideon was kept under arrest on, which was flying to Coruscant. Carson Teva sends R7’s probe droid around to scan the shuttle and finds Mandalorian fragments of Beskar alloy embedded in the wall of the desecrated shuttle.
The three main points from this episode:
Zeb’s cameo
Zeb Orrelios is one of the main characters in “Star Wars Rebels,” the animated series. This was the first time seeing Zeb in a live action series.
In this episode, Zeb unexpectedly shows up at the bar talking to Carson Teva, where Zeb mentions that the New Republic has a backlog of requests from different planets and that Nevarro would probably be ignored. Zeb was a former rebel and is now a New Republic pilot.
Earlier in the season, the show hinted at a possible appearance of a “Star Wars Rebels” character, which many thought would be Ezra Bridger, but instead, we got a Zeb cameo. The question is whether or not there will still be an Ezra Bridger cameo.
All of these possible “Star Wars Rebels” easter egg cameos could be hinting for the upcoming show “Ahsoka.”
Bo-Katan leading Mandalorians
Later in the episode after defeating the pirates, the Armorer wishes to speak with Bo-Katan. The Armorer instructs Bo-Katan to remove her helmet, which would violate the creed.
At first, Bo-Katan seemed hesitant to take her helmet off but felt it was not a violation since the Armorer had commanded her to do so. At this point, the helmet rule is supposedly optional, showing that Bo-Katan must be respected by her followers since she has become more flexible as a Mandalorian everywhere she goes.
The Armorer mentions to Bo-Katan that she has walked both worlds and that she is suited once again to lead and unite the Mandalorians. She has proven herself loyal to the creed, especially when she mentioned the mythosaur to the Armorer and saved the foundling in the last episode.
With Bo-Katan stepping up as ruler of the Mandalorian creed, she is earning respect from the Armorer. This could be a big step for the Mandalorian creed having a new ruler, especially one who is as courageous and ready to help others as Bo-Katan is.
Moff Gideon escape
At the end of the previous season, Moff Gideon was arrested after the attack on the cruiser. He was taken aboard the Lambda shuttle to travel to Coruscant for his trial. While being taken to Coruscant, a group of Mandalorians hijacked the prison shuttle, taking Moff Gideon with them.
When Teva arrives at the shuttle, he scans the ship and finds a shard of Beskar. This is where Teva takes it as a sign that Mandalorians were definitely involved. The big question is which clan of Mandalorians was involved.
One clan of Mandalorians that was possibly involved are the Imperial Super Commandos. Gar Saxon, who was a former ruler of the Imperial Super Commandos, died in “Star Wars Rebels.” This raises the question of who the new ruler of the Imperial Super Commandos could be.
Things to think about for next week:
- Will more characters from “Star Wars Rebels” appear?
- Moff Gideon has escaped, so who is responsible?
- Will Bo-Katan fight for the dark saber that Din Djarin possesses?