Episode 2: The Mines of Mandalore
March 10, 2023
Din Djarin takes a look in the cave where all the remnants of homes and cities were. Episode 2 focuses on Djarin’s quest for redemption via the Living Waters of Mandalore.
Episode 2 begins after Bo-Katan has given Mando and Grogu the exact coordinates to Mandalore so he can atone for his sin.
Din Djarin and Grogu go to Mos Isley on Tatooine where they talk to Peli Motos. She persuades them to take an escort droid with them to Mandalore.
As they reach hyper-space, Din proceeds to tell Grogu about Mandalore and where he grew up on the Moon Concordia next to the planet. Once they land on the planet’s surface, Din reminds Grogu of the path that Bo-Katan wanted them to take.
He sends an R5 unit to scope out the planet and is surprised to find that the planet is breathable. This gave Mando hope that the Living Waters did exist and were still intact so he could complete his mission.
Three main points from this episode:.
Inhabitants living on Mandalore
When he first arrived on the planet, Mando was shocked to see that he could breathe on the planet and Bo-Katan was right that it was not cursed.
The Armorer had previously informed Din that the planet was uninhabitable and dangerous to be on, but there are living creatures on the planet.
As they moved deeper on the planet he reached a cave and was attacked by Allimates. Din uses the dark saber to fight them off when his regular weapons fail.
He also encounters crab-like robotic creatures living in a lair littered with Mandalorian helmets. This crab-thing catches Din by surprise and traps him inside a kind of cage spinning over a fire with fluid-draining tubes attached.
Grogu helps the mission
After Mando is captured, Grogu hops back into the pod and speeds away where he has R5-D4 fly him to Kalevala to alert Bo-Katan.
As Grogu leads Bo-Katan back down to where Din is trapped, she tells him a bit of her own story. She explains that she is the scion of the family who once ruled Mandalore, before the Empire and militant sects like Din’s wrecked everything. She had even befriended Jedi as well.
This interchange provides background information related to Bo-Katan and the planet in general.
Bo-Katan was willing to save Din Djarin
When Grogu first landed on Kalevala, Bo-Katan was pretty angry with Mando and was going to get rid of him “once and for all.” When she came out she was shocked to see Grogu alone and she was willing to help save Din.
Once they rescue Mando, he tells Bo-Katan that she was right that the planet was not cursed. She disagrees and says that Mandalore is a tomb of what it once was.
Then she leads them to the Living Waters where she recites another legend. She explains the Mythosaur that lived in the mines of Beskar but was allegedly tamed by Mandalore the Great.
To think about for next week’s episode:
- Mando has been to the Living Waters, so his main mission should be complete. What’s next?
- Bo-Katan saved Mando twice. Is she about to use him for another quest?