Episode 3
September 2, 2022

Jennifer and Emil prepare for his parole hearing. This episode focuses on Jennifer building a case on why Emil deserves to be granted parole, while also showcasing her increasing rise in fame.
Continuing where the last episode left off, Episode 3 shows Jennifer’s struggle with presenting Blonsky as a reformed man.
Since the footage of Abomination being outside of his cell has been released to the public, it is a lot harder for Jennifer to convince the parole board that Blonsky is not a monster.
After learning that Blonsky didn’t leave of his own free will and was instead taken out of jail by the Sorcerer Supreme, Jennifer begins to formulate a plan. She gets into contact with Wong, the current Sorcerer Supreme, and asks if he can appear in court to help defend Blonsky.
She-Hulk’s rise in notoriety continues as the public begins voicing their opinions on her defending Blonsky, most of which are negative.
According to many witness testimonials, Blonsky has become a changed man and has been extremely helpful to those who know him. This, combined with Wong’s admission of taking Blonsky out of his cell for training and the control demonstrated over the Abomination, Blonsky is granted parole on the condition that he can never transform again.
A thing that elevates this episode is its structure as it has an A plot and a B plot. The B plot focuses on Dennis Bukowski, a former coworker of Jennifer, and his civil case to get $175,000 from a shapeshifting ex-girlfriend. The fact that this series is structured like an actual TV show instead of a movie split up into parts makes it distinct from other Marvel shows.
One thing that needs to be improved as the show continues is the CGI used on She-Hulk. When Jennifer transforms, the effects used look poor, which is odd because CGI is usually Marvel’s strong suit. During the final fight against a group of criminals, Jennifer sticks out as if she is not really there.
One question that can be asked is what were the criminals planning to do? They attack Jennifer on her way home and try to take her blood. They also mention that they were put up to this by their boss.
A few things to keep in mind for next week’s episode
- She-Hulk’s fame is growing
- Abomination is free
- Someone wants to take Jennifer’s gamma-radiated blood