Episode 4
April 22, 2022
Statue of the Egyptian god of the Nile, Sobek. Episode four of “Moon Knight” focused on Layla’s past life and her relationship with Marc and Steven, as well as including a mind-bending twist at the end.
After exploring Marc Spector’s relationships with other people in episode three, this episode of “Moon Knight” takes a deeper dive into Layla’s relationship with both Marc and Steven and further explores her life, as well as adding a twist at the very end.
In this week’s episode, Steven is in control (for the beginning at least). As Steven and Layla search for Ammit’s tomb, the two share a romantic moment. Now all of a sudden there is this strange budding romance between the two of them. However, it does not get addressed much more besides Marc confronting Steven about it later.
The topic of Layla’s father is further explored as well. Arthur Harrow shows up in the tomb and confronts Layla about her father, asking leading questions and planting a seed of doubt in Layla’s mind that Marc could have possibly killed her father.
She confronts Marc who gives away that, while he didn’t directly kill her father, he was there the night Layla’s father died. Marc also reveals that his partner was the one who executed everyone at the dig site that Layla’s father was participating in. This truth essentially tore down the trust in Marc and Layla’s relationship and jeopardized their connection in the future.
While the episode touched on the personal lives and relationships of the show’s featured characters, it was all thrown out the window when Marc gets shot by Arthur Harrow in the tomb. There is a short montage of Marc falling deeper and deeper into a dark pool, kind of drifting off into nothingness.
Then, the scene transitions into a jungle scene, with a boy and an older man searching for a statue, mimicking the feel of a classic “Indiana Jones” movie. It is then revealed that the main character’s name is Steven Grant and the scene is from a fictional movie titled “Tomb Buster.”
If you are just as confused as I am, it gets worse. The camera then zooms out and reveals that the movie is playing on a television screen in an extremely white building, with everyone in it dressed in white, resembling a mental hospital.
As the camera pans away, Marc Spector appears on screen (our own, not the one in the hospital), dressed in white and sitting in a wheelchair, drowsy and sedated. Layla walks over to him but treats him as a patient, one that she has no personal connections with.
The audience begins to see that everyone in this hospital has shown up somewhere in Marc’s life, leaving fans to wonder what is actually real and what has been fabricated in Marc’s head.
Arthur Harrow then shows up as the head psychologist and all the objects in his office are ones that have previously shown up in Marc’s life. Harrow’s office contains multiple Egyptian relics, a painting of the field that Steven shows up in in episode one, and his signature cane.
Naturally, Marc runs away in fear and confusion. As he runs through the hallways, not only does the camera and everything in the building tilt as if the building is moving, but he finds a room with a sarcophagus in it. Marc opens it and Steven jumps out, helping fans see that the two are now separate alters in two identical bodies.
Marc and Steven pass another room with another sarcophagus but this time it is shaking.. Many fans are speculating as to whether or not this is our final teaser before we see the third alter, Jake Lockley.
While Jake makes a possible appearance, at the end of the episode an Egyptian goddess makes a full appearance. As Marc and Steven are running through the halls, they bump into the Egyptian goddess of fertility and rejuvenation, Taweret, in the form of a hippo, who also has ties to the afterlife.
The screen goes black and the only thing the audience can see is their confused expressions as the credits begin.
To end this wild episode, here are some takeaways to think about, going into next week’s episode:
- Marc was there the night that Layla’s father was killed.
- In their search for Senfu’s tomb, Steven and Layla have stumbled upon the tomb of Alexander the Great.
- Marc and Steven’s world has been turned upside down to say the least.
- There is another sarcophagus that has not been opened (possibly holding Jake Lockley)
- Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of fertility and rejuvenation, has made an appearance in the form of a hippo.