
Jeers to the weather over spring break. Sadly, it was windy and cold the entire weekend and most beaches were shut down.

Jeers to having a job while being in school. It stinks when you have to go straight from class directly to work, and then have to go home to do hours of homework before finally getting to eat and shower.

Jeers to taxes. Who is FICCA, and why do they keep taking all my money? It is not like anyone currently in high school is ever going to get social security. 

Jeers to the college process. First, you have to apply to schools, then get rejected from schools, eventually settle on where you are going to go, find roommates, figure out dorms, and then pay thousands of dollars for a piece of paper. 

Jeers to journalism moving from 7th period next year. All English teachers will have PLC that period, leaving us to stress over planning our schedules without knowing when our class will be.