Not worth the complaints
The implementation of the Chromebooks this school year is sure to improve learning in and out of the classroom. The Chromebooks create a classroom that can do so much more than before.
August 27, 2018
Leave it to Starr’s Mill students to complain about getting a Chromebook free of charge to use for several years. I’m not very surprised to find out that the same kids who drive around Jeeps and BMW’s are the same ones complaining about the Chromebooks. Talk about first world problems. The trivial downsides to carrying around the Chromebooks pale in comparison to all the positives.
The Chromebooks aren’t even worth whining about. They’re here and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s best to fix what problems we can and just deal with the rest. Have your own computer? Keep using that for personal stuff! That way you don’t have to worry about what the Chromebooks block or not. Complaining about it won’t unblock anything. It will just annoy everyone.
The first positive is the most obvious: everyone gets a computer. The privileged kids complaining about them might already have their own computer, but not everyone does. In this day and age, keeping up with assignments, due dates, test dates, relies on students having access to a computer. Giving out Chromebooks ensures that all students have the ability to keep up with school.
Everyone getting a computer also allows the dynamics of in-class participation to change. Tests and quizzes can now be taken online and teachers can see what the students are doing to potentially help them out with assignments (and keep them from being off task).
Teachers don’t have to worry about cheating either because they can temporarily block sites as well. To those who do cheat, this might not seem like a positive, but hard working and competitive students might be relieved to know. Many people may be worried or even creeped out at the “big brother” aspect of these computers, but it’s all to promote academic honesty. If you do what your supposed to be doing, then you will barely notice “big brother.”
First and foremost, teachers are concerned with properly educating their students. Being able to make sure that they are staying on task so that they can be the best students possible is paramount to them and their job. At the same time, using the computers every class is not required and allows flexibility with teaching styles.
The Chromebooks are actually kind of great to have in class because they are a form of technology that we are allowed to have in class mostly without question at almost any time. Prefer taking notes on your computer? Now you can do that. Finished with class work early and want to start something for another class? Pull out your Chromebook and do it. Again, Chromebooks allow for flexibility for what we can do in the classroom without risking distraction.
The Chromebooks allow a huge advancement the student experience at school and their ability to learn and keep up with assignments. They aren’t something to complain about for trivial reasons, but something to be grateful for, as not all student across the U.S. and the wider world get the same opportunities.
Lisa DeLuca • Sep 20, 2018 at 10:53 am
What a great article! You nailed it!!