Children and teachers deserve protection
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A sign prohibiting drugs and guns stands outside of a school. If teachers were to be armed, schools shootings may be a thing of the past.
March 9, 2018
In the wake of the Parkland, Fla., mass shooting, Florida House legislators approved a $67 million program which would provide teachers with the proper training to carry a handgun.
The goal of this program is to have ten teachers trained to carry in each school, which would equal 37,000 statewide. Florida would cover the costs of background checks, drug testing, psychological exams, and 132 hours of training.
The decision for teachers to carry would be their own, and a $500 dollar stipend would be given to those who do. However, if a teacher does decide to carry, it would mean the school would be better secured.
A school district in Arkansas had already shown that giving teachers the option to arm themselves can work. For almost five years, Clarksville School District has had 20 teachers, janitors, and other staff members ready to respond in the case of a shooting. The teachers also receive yearly training. “Every second that ticks by is a possibility of a life lost. What we’ve gathered from this is that it can be done, it can be done right,” Clarksville Schools Superintendent David Hopkins said.
“I think this is going to save a lot of students’ lives,” Chris Chappel, an employee of Clarksville Schools, said. “It has already shown itself in other places. We have armed security (and) we’re willing to use it … Don’t step on our campus because we’re going to protect our kids.”
All sites of school shootings have been designated “gun free zones.” In fact, over 98% of mass shootings have been in “gun free zones.” Making a school a “gun free zone” has absolutely no effect.
In fact, shootings have even been stopped due to good people with guns. In Sutherland Springs, Texas, Devin Patrick Kelly, the man responsible for the church shooting that claimed the lives of 16 people, was stopped by an armed citizen, who was an NRA member.
In 1996, Luke Woodham entered Pearl High School, and murdered two students, but was then stopped by Assistant Principal Joel Myrick and his Colt. 45 that he kept in his car.
Guns are not the problem, it’s the people using them. In fact, Cleveland State University reports a remarkable decrease in violent crime and gun crime in the U.S. since the early 1990’s, even though the number of firearms has increased by about 10 million every year
When individuals choose to commit mass shootings, they target gun free zones. Why? Because they know there will not be any resistance.
For example, the Sandy Hook shooting. When Adam Lanza went to Sandy Hook Elementary School and murdered 26 innocent people, the only form of defense to stop him was a “Gun-Free Zone” sign. Imagine how different the events at Sandy Hook would have occurred had teachers and staff been armed and ready to protect students.
Should schools arm teachers?
- Yes (33%, 3 Votes)
- No (67%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 9

Students in America should not have to live with the fear of dying at school. However, in today’s world, school shootings are something that people need to be prepared for.
In America, banks are protected with guns. Politicians are protected with guns. Why shouldn’t schools be given that same protection? Since when are banks or politicians more deserving of protection?
Students are the future of America, and the future should be protected.