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Ashton Long, Staff Writer
Senior Ashton Long is a three-year member of The Prowler staff. She is a staff writer.
All content by Ashton Long
[Photo] Mad headlines for March Madness
March 22, 2019
[Photo] Weird holidays meet weird headlines
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Mary Jane Gagliano
James Hindy
, and
Valen Yeager
March 15, 2019
[Photo] Heading toward spring
Mary Jane Gagliano
Saijleen Chawla
Hayeon Choi
, and
Addie Ellison
March 8, 2019
[Photo] Rad headlines that are sure to gag you with a spoon
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Mary Jane Gagliano
, and
James Hindy
March 1, 2019
[Photo] A wrap-up before winter break
February 15, 2019
[Photo] Spring sports season starts with news
Mary Jane Gagliano
Luke Bennett
Hayeon Choi
James Hindy
, and
Kathleen Stephens
February 8, 2019
[Photo] Headlines leading up to the Super Bowl
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Mary Jane Gagliano
James Hindy
, and
Valen Yeager
February 4, 2019
[Photo] Students travel, headlines remain
Mary Jane Gagliano
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
James Hindy
, and
Kathleen Stephens
January 25, 2019
[Photo] Headlines prior to holiday weekend
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Mary Jane Gagliano
James Hindy
, and
Kathleen Stephens
January 18, 2019
[Photo] 2018 headlines take a final bow
Jacob Hunt
Kathleen Stephens
December 14, 2018
[Photo] The best Christmas gift is here — more KICs
Jacob Hunt
Kathleen Stephens
December 7, 2018
[Photo] News to start the Christmas season
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
November 30, 2018
[Photo] Terrific headlines before the turkey holiday
James Hindy
Jacob Hunt
Grace Maneein
Kathleen Stephens
Mary Jane Gagliano
, and
Valen Yeager
November 17, 2018
[Photo] Election week votes say KIC wins!
Grace Maneein
Jacob Hunt
November 10, 2018
[Photo] Spooky stories for Halloween week
Jacob Hunt
James Hindy
Grace Maneein
Kathleen Stephens
, and
Valen Yeager
November 3, 2018
[Photo] Headlines to combat the cold
Mary Jane Gagliano
James Hindy
Grace Maneein
, and
Luke Bennett
October 26, 2018
[Photo] Firefighters and empty promises
Sophia Bender
Grace Maneein
October 20, 2018
[Photo] The 1492 news
Jacob Hunt
Addie Ellison
Mary Jane Gagliano
James Hindy
, and
Valen Yeager
October 6, 2018
[Photo] Headlines that ended September
Jacob Hunt
Kathleen Stephens
September 30, 2018
[Photo] Headlines hit home on homecoming week
James Hindy
Grace Maneein
September 22, 2018
[Photo] Media before music
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Kathleen Stephens
Mary Jane Gagliano
, and
James Hindy
September 14, 2018
[Photo] The longest, shortest week
Jacob Hunt
Kathleen Stephens
September 7, 2018
[Photo] Hectic headlines highlight the week
Valen Yeager
, Staff Writer
August 31, 2018
[Photo] Sporty week in news
Mary Jane Gagliano
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Kathleen Stephens
, and
James Hindy
August 24, 2018
[Photo] New school year starts new year of news
Jacob Hunt
Hayeon Choi
Addie Ellison
Kathleen Stephens
, and
James Hindy
August 20, 2018
[Photo] Last day of school brings last week of news
Jacob Hunt
, News co-Editor
May 25, 2018
[Photo] Shocking stories add to saddening senior send-offs
Jacob Hunt
Abri Hausman
Sophia Bender
, and
Brock Spence
May 18, 2018
[Photo] Close elections and captivating headlines
Jacob Hunt
Brock Spence
May 11, 2018
[Photo] Media to end the Milestones
Jacob Hunt
Brock Spence
May 5, 2018
Local students question best-selling author
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
April 28, 2018
[Photo] A week of headlines, tests, and super heroes
Jacob Hunt
Mitchell Smith
, and
Brock Spence
April 27, 2018
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
April 23, 2018
Economics club
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
April 23, 2018
Hectic headlines heading into Milestones
Jacob Hunt
Sophia Bender
Liza Eubanks
Ashton Long
Mitchell Smith
, and
Valen Yeager
April 20, 2018
[Photo] Back from break, back to headlines
Jacob Hunt
Sophia Bender
Saijleen Chawla
Hayeon Choi
Caylee Cicero
, and
Ashley Irizarry
April 15, 2018
Popular author set to conference with Fayette County high schools
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
April 12, 2018
[Photo] Headlines to end hard-hitting news month
Jacob Hunt
Saijleen Chawla
Hayeon Choi
Caylee Cicero
Ian Fertig
, and
Valen Yeager
March 31, 2018
[Photo] Star students set to challenge for state title
Luke Bennett
, Staff Writer
March 30, 2018
[Photo] Headlines for the start of spring
Valen Yeager
Sophia Bender
Saijleen Chawla
Caylee Cicero
Liza Eubanks
, and
Jacob Hunt
March 23, 2018
Aspiring actress becomes published poet
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 21, 2018
[Photo] Walk into the week of news
Valen Yeager
Luke Bennett
Hayeon Choi
Dana Gould
, and
Jacob Hunt
March 17, 2018
Young drivers have strong showing despite veteran dominance
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
Bell tops first practice, aims for long-run speed
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
Nemechek leads final practice, prepares for first Xfinity race
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
Harvick blows away competition for first AMS victory in 17 years
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
Busch tops qualifying, starts first on Sunday
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 12, 2018
[Photo] Slow school week meets huge headlines
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Sophia Bender
Saijleen Chawla
Ashley Irizarry
, and
Kyle Soto
March 9, 2018
Once is nice, twice is dandy
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
March 3, 2018
[Photo] Hard-hitting headlines begin hard month for students
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Caylee Cicero
Liza Eubanks
Ian Fertig
, and
Ashley Irizarry
March 2, 2018
Harvick blows away competition for first AMS victory in 17 years
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 27, 2018
Young drivers have strong showing despite veteran dominance
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 24, 2018
Once is nice, twice is dandy
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 24, 2018
Busch tops qualifying, starts first on Sunday
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 23, 2018
Nemechek leads final practice, prepares for first Xfinity race
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 23, 2018
Bell tops first practice, aims for long-run speed
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 23, 2018
Elliott only one name on list of Georgia drivers this weekend
Dana Gould
Ashton Long
February 23, 2018
NASCAR fan driven to tell outsiders, ‘NASCAR is more than going in circles’
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 22, 2018
Elliott set to create own legacy driving No. 9
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 20, 2018
[Photo] Loveless week in news
Jacob Hunt
Liza Eubanks
Saijleen Chawla
Sophia Bender
Mitchell Smith
, and
Luke Bennett
February 18, 2018
[Photo] Post-Super Bowl week brings super headlines
Jacob Hunt
Dana Gould
Sophia Bender
Kyle Soto
Ian Fertig
, and
Valen Yeager
February 9, 2018
Lack of substitutions cripples Panther offense
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 8, 2018
Peachtree City resident fulfills childhood dream, earns honor
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
February 4, 2018
[Photo] Groundhog calls it — six more weeks of headlines
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Hayeon Choi
Caylee Cicero
Ian Fertig
, and
Brock Spence
February 3, 2018
Alice Anne Hudson
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
January 30, 2018
[Photo] Endings bring new beginnings
Sophia Bender
Ian Fertig
Ashley Irizarry
Mitchell Smith
, and
Saijleen Chawla
January 26, 2018
Filip Borjeson
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
January 15, 2018
Bre Kozusko
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
January 15, 2018
[Photo] Chaos throughout the universe
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Sophia Bender
Liza Eubanks
, and
Ian Fertig
January 15, 2018
Back by popular demand
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
January 5, 2018
JV Panthers defeated in aggressive battle
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
December 10, 2017
[Photo] A week of eruptions, rejections, and combustion
Jacob Hunt
Sophia Bender
Saijleen Chawla
Caylee Cicero
, and
Kyle Soto
December 9, 2017
Neighborly jest becomes social media lesson
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
December 5, 2017
[Photo] Return from break, return of headlines
Valen Yeager
Sophia Bender
Caylee Cicero
Liza Eubanks
Ian Fertig
, and
Ashley Irizarry
December 2, 2017
[Photo] A negative news week
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Sophia Bender
Ian Fertig
Ashley Irizarry
, and
Brock Spence
November 18, 2017
Real Talk – Season 3, Episode 6
Abri Hausman
Ashton Long
November 16, 2017
A week that totally ‘rocked’
Sophia Bender
Saijleen Chawla
Ian Fertig
Ashton Long
, and
Brock Spence
November 13, 2017
Former Panther releases Christmas album
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
November 7, 2017
[Photo] Ghoulish happenings and headlines
Jacob Hunt
Valen Yeager
Ian Fertig
, and
Brock Spence
November 5, 2017
Every penny counts
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
October 31, 2017
[Photo] A Red Ribbon Week to remember
Valen Yeager
Jacob Hunt
Dana Gould
Liza Eubanks
Ian Fertig
, and
Brock Spence
October 29, 2017
[Photo] News after a weekend of success
Dana Gould
Liza Eubanks
Brock Spence
, and
Valen Yeager
October 22, 2017
[Photo] News before the Battle of the Bubble
Jacob Hunt
Sophia Bender
Caylee Cicero
Ashley Irizarry
, and
Brock Spence
October 16, 2017
[Photo] Weeping news from around the world
October 8, 2017
[Photo] A long week of news
Jacob Hunt
Ryan Allen
Ben Barkley
Sophia Bender
Ashley Irizarry
, and
Brock Spence
October 1, 2017
Chicago brothers savor musical career with catchy lyrics
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
September 26, 2017
[Photo] Mother nature strikes again
Ben Barkley
Sophia Bender
, and
Ashley Irizarry
September 24, 2017
[Photo] Homecoming week headlines
Ian Fertig
Jacob Hunt
Ashley Irizarry
, and
Valen Yeager
September 12, 2017
[Photo] Hurricane Harvey heads the week’s headlines
Ben Barkley
Jacob Hunt
Brock Spence
, and
Valen Yeager
September 4, 2017
Real Talk – Season 3, Episode 1
Abri Hausman
Ashton Long
August 31, 2017
Coach dribbles his way to administrative position
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
August 29, 2017
[Photo] A dark week in news
Ben Barkley
Sophia Bender
Jacob Hunt
Brock Spence
, and
Valen Yeager
August 26, 2017
[Photo] News around the world…and beyond
Caylee Cicero
Ian Fertig
Jacob Hunt
, and
Valen Yeager
August 18, 2017
Central office modifies school calendar, adds more professional learning
Ashton Long
, Staff Writer
May 30, 2017
Summer commences while terror continues
Ashton Long
Kyle Soto
May 30, 2017
This week’s politically potent headlines
Ashton Long
Kyle Soto
May 22, 2017
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