Hero Club

Shelby Foster

A member of the club created this sign three years ago for Close to hang in her room. “I love that it matches the colors of the organization and I get many compliments on it,” Close said.

Emma Posey, Staff Writer


  • To raise awareness and money for children affected by HIV/AIDS
  • To develop leadership skills, and learn how to plan and carry out fundraisers


  • People can join by paying $25 dues and ordering a T-shirt
  • Meets on the first Wednesday of every month in Nancy Close’s room 713


  • Nancy Close

English teacher Nancy Close started the Starr’s Mill HERO Club eight years ago when a student came to her wanting the club. The club raises money to give to H.E.R.O. for Children, an organization that helps kids affected by HIV/AIDS.

During the fall semester final exams, the club held fundraisers and passed out candy canes, raising $590 to donate to the University of Georgia’s chapter of HERO. UGA HERO then uses these funds to hold camps and seminars for children.

“Knowing that the money goes to help a worthy cause is my favorite part,” Close said.