Interact Club

May 18, 2017
- Exposes students to the importance of individual responsibility as well as community involvement
- Allows students to develop leadership skills
- Gives students the opportunity to network with members of the worldwide organization Rotary International
- Worldwide organization
- 10 members
- President: Aelise Gagliano
- Meets on Fridays once a month
- Marcela Sample
Several years ago a Starr’s Mill parent and member of Rotary International reached out to Spanish teacher Marcela Sample to see if she would like to sponsor Interact Club. Sample happily agreed and took on the responsibility of bringing the club to the school, serving as the club sponsor. One of her main motivations for helping start the club is because she thought it would benefit the students at the Mill.
“The [Interact] Club is a good way for kids to gain contacts from all over the world because it is everywhere,” Sample said. The major advantage associated with this club is the relationship that is developed with Rotary International. That organization is home to many businessmen and businesswomen which can be very beneficial for students on a worldwide scale.
During the first years of the Interact Club’s establishment, members of the Rotary International were invited to come speak to the students about their professions and give them the opportunity to be their shadow for the day.
“Even though some of the kids didn’t take the opportunities offered it was great that they were available to them,” Sample said.
Since Interact Club is part of Rotary International, it receives funding from them. Additionally, the students pay $10 dues to cover the cost of club t-shirts.
In recent years, Starr’s Mill’s Interact Club has not received funds from the Rotary club, which has taken its toll on the clubs activity agenda. “Despite the challenges we have faced, I like being able to spend time with the students in a more relaxed environment,” Sample said.