The Panthers swept the Benedictine Cadets in the second round of the GHSA state playoffs, 11-1 and 14-0.
“We just had to stay focused. Both games it was really hot,” senior Max Prozny said. “We just gotta get everyone locked in before like we do over there and then we just come out and keep playing our same game.”

The Panther defense dominated the game with a combination of senior Heath Whitlock and sophomore Parker Williams pitching the first game and juniors Kyle Rudolph and Aiden Wilson pitching the second game.
Meanwhile, the Starr’s Mill offense stayed consistent. Top hitters were senior Jack Ryan with five hits, one a home run, and seniors Austin Killingsworth and Prozny with four hits, each also adding a home run.
“It’s just everybody being focused and everybody being intense and cheering teammates on,” sophomore Brock Rein said. “It’s just about everybody being involved in the game and having fun.”
The Panthers have continued to destroy their opponents throughout the region and the question of whether they are prepared to face their opponents later on in the postseason is something everyone is asking.
“Everyone’s hot, everyone’s focused, everyone wants to win so there’s nobody out here that wants to be done,” Prozny said.
The defense has stayed as strong as ever with a 10-man pitching staff.
Starr’s Mill hosts Heritage-Catoosa in the state quarterfinals on May 6. The first game in the night’s doubleheader begins at 4:30 p.m.