Quick Hit with Jae Ardoin
“Nights” by Frank Ocean
The song “Nights” by Frank Ocean is a song about a past relationship and being a new person. This song is from the album “Blonde,” released in 2016.
March 1, 2023
The song “Nights” by Frank Ocean is about an old relationship and the highs and lows both parties faced.
The song is introduced by an asynchronous melody. Ocean sings about a past relationship and present problems he goes through day-to-day.
In the first part of the song, he takes the listeners on a trip down memory lane. He explains that he is not the same person he was before, going on about how an ex-lover mourns his old self, not his current self.
Ocean mentions in the song that he uses substances carelessly to numb his feelings and pain. He works constantly all day to distract himself from reality, while also attempting to become a new man.
The tempo of the song is slow throughout. Midway through the song, the beat switches from a slow tempo to an even slower one. Going from one beat to another represents the transition between what he feels like day vs. night.
In the second part of the song, Ocean takes the pitch down a few octaves. He talks about how he is pushing the issues that were talked about in the first part of the song. He mentions how he is having rough nights, which explains the title of the song.
“Nights” is the ninth track of Ocean’s album “Blonde,” released in 2016. The whole album in general talks about his sexual interest with both men and women.
Frank Ocean is known for his ability to be vulnerable without being weak in his music. His music mainly discusses heartbreak and loneliness that listeners can relate to.
You can listen to “Nights” on Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, YouTube Music, and more.