Quick Hit with Ashton Lewandowski
“Burn” by Rom M
Album cover for “Chaos Minds Me.” “Burn” is an incredibly thematic song in the album by the underrated music artist Rom M.
November 3, 2022
Tired of the mainstream? Looking for a song which makes you think about the meaning behind it? Want something that will pump you full of emotions all while supporting an underrated indie artist? I have just the right suggestion for you.
“Burn” is a song created by Rom M and is the second song in the “Chaos Minds Me” album. It was mixed by Alon Lotringer and mastered by Dave Collins.
The album as a whole is characterized by its slow and melodramatic tone but fast and exciting melodies which contrast each other. The album is Rom M’s debut album. He had dabbled in music creation for years prior to the release of the album, creating individual songs and remixing music from the cartoonish horror game “Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion.”
He released “Burn” before the rest of the album as a teaser, with the official album being released almost a month after.
Despite “Burn” being close to six minutes long, the lyrics are surprisingly sparse. The lyrics are drawn out and are sung solemnly but end up carrying bitter and resentful undertones. The repressed lyrics are perfectly juxtaposed by the powerful instrumental sections that follow, leaving the song to feel at odds with itself but not disjointed.
The meaning of the lyrics is up to interpretation. In my personal opinion, it is about someone who is tired of the world, possibly because of a betrayal of a former lover, and only gets enjoyment from self-destructive behavior, which is referred to in the song as “burn.” The listener gets the same enjoyment from the self-destructive behavior as it is characterized by the powerful instrumental sections.
The song feels like something out of the thematic “The Batman” or “Bladerunner.” Rom M is a relatively undiscovered artist, as his songs only have a few hundred listens on various music platforms. All of his songs deserve much more attention, as it is clear a lot of work gets put into making them.
You can listen to “Burn” on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.