Quick Hit with Adeline Harper

“Surface Pressure” from the film “Encanto”

Photo via Instagram (@jessicadarrow_)

Actress Jessica Darrow, played the character Luisa Madrigal in Disney’s recently released movie “Encanto.” The movie features multiple songs, including one performed by Darrow, and written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, called, “Surface Pressure.”

Adeline Harper, Staff Writer

At some point in life, almost everyone has faced some form of pressure and having to deal with the stress of handling it. 

Disney’s latest animated feature film “Encanto” features the song “Surface Pressure,” which explores the pressure put on by family and society. It is sung by Luisa Madrigal about her stresses of being the strongest member of the family due to her gift of superstrength and trying to live up to everyone’s expectations.

Not only is she the strongest physically, but she is expected to be strong mentally and emotionally, and carry everyone’s problems. Whenever she is asked to do a draining task, she does it no matter how hard the work is. She has proven herself to be virtually indestructible due to her strength of the “surface,” but underneath she is constantly stressed out by the “pressure” everyone puts on her.

The song features easy, but meaningful lyrics almost anyone can relate to whether they are a teacher, mother, student, musician, or regular person. It also features a Columbian beat, with electric instruments and groovy dance moves. 

“Encanto” also features songs such as “We Don’t Talk about Bruno,” “The Family Madrigal,” and “Waiting on a Miracle.”

Open your favorite streaming app and listen to “Surface Pressure” by Lin-manuel Miranda.