Art teacher Todd Little recently watched the comedy show “Whose line is it anyway?” The show is about four actors coming together to act out songs, scenes and skits on the spot.
What did you enjoy about this show?
“It is outrageously funny,” Little said. “I think it requires a certain intelligence to actually perform and do that.”
What motivated you to watch this show?
“I initially recognized some of the comedians on the show from other television shows,” Little said.
What was the most memorable part of this show?
“They’ll do similar skits from show to show,” Little said. “They do where they show old movies and then the actors in place will put their own dialogue on it.”
How is this show different from others that you have watched?
“I don’t think you see impromptu comedy done,” Little said. “This is a live situation.”
What other shows similar to this one would you recommend?
“A live comedy might compare,” Little said
You can watch “Whose line is it anyway?” on Max, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and Pluto TV.