Panther Reads
“The Four Winds”
Varsity sideline, competition, and basketball cheer coach Kristie Hayward read “The Four Winds” by Kristin Hannah. The fiction novel illustrates the life of a woman living in the Great Plains and struggling to take care of her two children during the Great Depression.
May 10, 2021
Varsity sideline, competition, and basketball cheer coach Kristie Hayward recently read “The Four Winds” by Kristin Hannah.
“The story is one of resilience and the love a mother has for her children and how she will fight to her death, literally, to take care of them,” Hayward said.
“The Four Winds” tells the story of a young woman living in the Great Plains and struggling to take care of her two children after the husband left them during the Great Depression.
“I was curious if all of the hype was legitimate, and, after reading the book, I believe that it is,” Hayward said. ”I found myself intentionally reading slowly toward the end of the book because I didn’t want it to end.”
Kristin Hannah is also known for her award-winning book and movie “The Nightingale,” which French teacher Jill Snelgrove previously recommended.
“I definitely recommend this book,” Hayward said. “Especially as we are about to celebrate Mother’s Day and honor all of the women in our lives who do whatever it takes to take care of their children.”
“The Four Winds” is great for empowering mothers, and showing that despite your struggles you can persevere.