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The idea of cloning has many upsides, but can humans be trusted to use it ethically? There are many pros that could come from cloning, but there are many cons bound to come with cloning as well.
The idea of cloning has many upsides, but can humans be trusted to use it ethically? There are many pros that could come from cloning, but there are many cons bound to come with cloning as well.
Alice Klimko
Human cloning will have major benefits to society

The idea of cloning dates back roughly 87 years. It has been a popular talking point for a long time, sparking discussion with its many pros and cons.

There are many benefits that come with cloning, especially with advances in research. The ability to clone humans would allow the cloning of historical figures, for example. Cloning exceptional individuals (e.g., scientists, artists) could preserve their intellectual contributions to society. The minds of modern geniuses such as Michiu Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, or Garry Kasparov could be preserved with the use of human cloning.

Another benefit that cloning would offer would be the conservation of endangered species. Cloning techniques could help save endangered species by increasing their populations, reducing their risk of going extinct. You could preserve endangered species who are cornerstones to the ecosystem, such as honeybees.

However, there are some problems that may occur with cloning as well. One of the most prominent being ethical concerns. Some argue that cloning undermines human dignity, individuality, and the natural process of reproduction. There is also the potential for cloning to be exploited for unethical purposes, such as creating ‘designer humans’ or military applications.

An over-reliance on cloning could also be an issue, disrupting natural genetic evolution and adaptation processes. This could possibly lead to the end of natural evolution. 

Although these cons are real worries, through regulation these concerns can be mitigated. Cloning has the opportunity to do amazing things for society, as long as it is used carefully and in moderation. 

Human cloning is not anywhere close to being used

Human cloning has become a popular talking subject these past few years. Although it may be cool to have another you, there are many negatives that come with such a serious topic.

For decades doctors have been trying to grasp the idea of cloning to enhance the medical field. Although in some cases the ability may be helpful, overall the medical side effects and failure rates are too great to be overlooked. It has been discovered that stem cells (cloned cells) and cancer cells look so similar and can develop mutations leading to cancer. Cloning so far has been so inefficient leading to only a 1% success rate in mammals, causing many deaths. 

Psychologists have studied that if someone were to be cloned, because they were not unique they would have trouble developing their own identity leaving them with many mental health issues. The same issue is seen environmentally, by cloning other species the earth’s ecosystems would be greatly disrupted. 

Ethical reasons are also important in a scenario such as this. Many disapprove of these innovations due to the belief that it would disrupt the nature and purpose of humans, as well as possible human misuse of the tool.

Not just cloning is a concern, it is also very costly. To treat only one person with therapeutic cloning can cost over $100,000. Imagine treating over 100 people all over the world every week. This medical invention would become very pricey, very fast. 

There are some positives to this idea, such as preserving endangered species. Cloning is just not something we should be doing anytime soon. The process needs to be greatly improved before we can discuss it being used.

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