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Is technology making us more or less connected as a society?
Many students use technology on a day to day basis, but is it making us more or less connected as a society? Editors Ella Bissonnette and Clio Long debate the effects of technology on generations.
Many students use technology on a day to day basis, but is it making us more or less connected as a society? Editors Ella Bissonnette and Clio Long debate the effects of technology on generations.
Caroline Drez
Technology, the reason you stay updated and connected with your society and your world

Technology’s influence is more significant now than ever before. It has transformed our living, working, and communication methods. 

Electronics makes it so easy to communicate and connect with others. Grabbing your phone is the easiest and quickest way to get in touch with someone. Sometimes, the conversations that are held over text or FaceTime are the best ones. 

What about a long distance relative? What is Grandma going to say if you cannot send her a photo of your prom dress? 

You can have a conversation with anyone, anywhere, at any time through technology.  With the use of technology you can stay more connected to family members and just people in general. 

Maybe one day you feel alone and need to talk to someone. You can always find someone to connect with through technology. Technology allows for crisis and suicide hotlines as well, and is saving lives through electronics.

Every so often you want to lay in bed and be lazy. Even though you are cooped up in your room you can still stay updated on everything that is happening in the world.

Say you missed a day of school because you were sick, text your friend asking for what you missed. Without technology, you would not be able to stay connected to your fellow students and your education.

Technology also opens a whole new world for education. If you do not understand something in school, there is always someone online that is willing to help. Whether that is watching Khan Academy or just looking over notes on the internet, technology leads to a whole new and successful way to further your education.

Technology is a whole library of information at our fingertips. The internet gives us the opportunity to learn about different cultures, discover different and new perspectives, and gain a better understanding of the people and world around us. Technology does not just connect us as a society, it connects us as a world. 

Above all, technology is a source of entertainment. If you are having a rough day, scrolling through funny videos on TikTok or Instagram is just the fix. “As of April 2024, an estimated 5 billion people globally use social media,” guaranteed you can always find your group of people on the web. There is a Facebook page and Instagram account for every single interest out there. 

Social media networks allow for any of its users to be updated on latest trends and news. If we are all laughing at a meme, are we not more connected as a society?

Some might say the crazy advancements in technology such as AI are taking up some jobs, but it does not outweigh the amount of jobs technology created and helped progress. 

At least 12% of Americans work fully remote and have the pleasure to work from home due their situation. What would you tell that single mom who has to work online to bring in an income and also take care of her children? Thanks to technology, we do not have to answer that question.

Others might also argue that it decreases face to face interactions. Who needs face-to-face when you can FaceTime or send emojis. Isolation is impossible to have in technology. You can always talk to someone at any moment at any time.

Technology gives all options for you to succeed in life, while simultaneously connecting you with society in the process.

Digital dependency will only cause a detached society

Technology is consuming our community on the daily. People go straight to their phones when trying to make plans or answer a question. Although electronics can be incredibly helpful, people are overusing them.

Advanced technology is taking jobs from people, isolating them, and leaves no room for privacy. Already leaving so many people unemployed, it is predicted that AI will take over a large portion of job. Leaving people unemployed, trying to support themselves with no income.

Additionally, attention spans are shortened when people rely their time on electronics. Statistics show technology has been the root cause of diagnosing ADHD in 2,500 teenagers. It can also be the source of other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

The harms do not end there. Sleep deficiency, eye strain, headaches, and numerous other threats are present when technology is abused.

Furthermore, technology opens the whole world to your private life. Even if you set your account to “private” practically nothing is stopped. No matter how protected you think you are, you are always vulnerable to hackers. 

Many efforts are constantly made to try and protect the users of technology, but they do not seem to work. Hackers can leak information, steal money, and ruin your life in one click.

The constant use of technology has also reduced originality in personal opinions. People will be fed news and targeted information that they will believe since they will not access the information needed to make up their own minds.

When people spend the majority of their time on their phone, inadequate time is dedicated to real-life conversations. This is yet another factor of insufficient fresh opinions.

People live to communicate with each other, and technology only lessens it. The overuse of technology reduces people’s attention spans, allowing only brief conversations that do not provide any benefit what-so-ever.

Depending on the person’s digital footprint, technology does not help the background check when applying for a job. One simple post on social media can diminish the likelihood of obtaining employment.

Our environment is yet another factor that is detrimental. The product of a single electronic contributes to pollution and lack of resources.

Some households do not even have access to technology or the internet at all. Not only does this increase inequality in our nation, but also it limits those specific households’ access to information.

The simple fact is that technology is disrupting and will ultimately disjoint our society. Through AI, isolation, and the overall impacts, electronics cause our society to detach.