Head 2 Head

Mr. Claus works a full-time 24/7 job with no paycheck, and yet all of his work is either ignored or misinterpreted as false. Some even say that he is putting fabricated imaginative faults into children’s heads. That could not be farther from the truth.
Santa Claus brings good memories, bonding experiences, an imaginative mind, job opportunities, good music, and company publication, whether he is real or not.
Holiday memories are Santa memories. The iconic red and white hat is bound to show up countless times during the holiday season. He is the epitome of Christmas. In fact, 73% of American relationships bond strongest over the holiday season. All of your sacred memories anywhere from October to January have likely chances of Santa being a high contributor.
Saint Nick gives children and parents the perfect opportunity to improve imagination and the overall intellectuality of the mind. Other holidays do not always give people a chance to believe. Christmas lets people of all ages believe whatever they want.
Coca-Cola has the famed publicity of Santa drinking Coke. Pillsbury uses Claus in their holiday commercials. Additionally, so many other brands are using Mr. Claus to advertise and promote businesses. He makes the brands more noticeable to kids, while still keeping it classy with the adults.
The debatable topic of if Saint Nick is real or cannot be proven by the faux Santas who work in the mall. Santa is too busy working in the North Pole. Either way, these Claus clones offer many job opportunities all around the country. When times get tough, Santa has a job for you.
Many artists also focus on mentioning Santa in their holiday music. People like Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra have written and covered classic songs that come down to Mr. Claus. Not to mention, but the music can be used in any situation. Whether it is driving to work, cleaning the house, or doing homework, songs about Santa and his amazing holiday never cease to satisfy.
Some might say that Santa is actually a backhanded idea that can ruin a child’s imagination, However, Santa is allowing kids to enhance their imagination and even develop their own opinions. Whether they chose to believe in Saint Nick or not, Santa gives children the chance to expand their imagination and mind complexity.
Everyone knows that there is no Christmas without Santa. Whether he gives you a new job or brings your family closer than ever, Santa is the reason behind all of the joy and miracles of Christmas.
Without jolly ol’ Saint Nick, who will put the presents under your tree? There is no way the parents could do all of that in one night.
“Santa Claus! Santa Claus is coming!” That’s all you hear during Christmas… and for what?
Santa works one night a year, and he gets all the credit. The rest of his days are filled with cookie-eating and sleeping, and he even does that on Christmas Day!
Santa is just another boss who overworks his workforce. The elves work 364 days a year with no breaks. They should be recognized more than Santa Claus. Especially since they are making toys for other people’s children… for free!
There is no need to question why we are talking about imaginary topics. These points are present in today’s world. The North Pole is just another analogy to today’s world.
The toy factory is the place of work with Santa being the boss. Santa is just another boss who overworks his workers. And what happens in the end? The boss gets all the credit. Like the incident with Amazon. They are a huge cooperation and they most definitely overwork their workers. And who is the richest person in the world?
Do we really want our children supporting this? Speaking of children…parents are just lying to them. Sure, parents are adding a fun side to Christmas, but at what cost? Do the parents not feel bad about lying to their children?
Even the songs about Santa Claus are questionable. “He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake.” We all know Santa is a myth, but he is still creepy. And a criminal. A felon.
Entering homes, even if via the chimney, is criminal trespassing. Why should Santa Claus be exempt from the laws?
Santa sets a new standard for the parents as well. Now there are more presents expected from children. Way more spoiled children. The coal might help the kids to behave better, but when was the last time you heard of someone getting coal?
Christmas is not all about Santa. The elves, reindeer, and everything else that comes into the North Pole need to be acknowledged more.
In the end, Santa Claus is not real. But if he was, all he would be is a lazy, cookie-eating, creepy criminal.