Music is a part of most people’s lives. In this week’s “Head to Head,” Editor Drew McCarthy and Staff Writer Agnes Sørensen discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bands and solo artists. (Photo via under Creative Commons license)
Music is a part of most people’s lives. In this week’s “Head to Head,” Editor Drew McCarthy and Staff Writer Agnes Sørensen discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bands and solo artists.

Photo via under Creative Commons license

Head 2 Head

Bands vs. Solo artists

February 10, 2023

Bands are better than solo artists

Have you ever heard the saying, “Two heads are better than one”? I think this can be applied to a lot of things and in this case it can be applied to music. I believe that bands are better than solo music artists. 

Music taste is subjective in most cases. However, there can be a bit of logic applied to this topic. Solo artists usually have a variety of musical talents with a focus on one or two. Like country artists who sing and play the guitar, or Lizzo who sings and can play the flute.

While this is impressive, only so much can be done by one person. Say you are the manager for a band and you had to pick a lead singer. In this scenario you have to pick one of two candidates. 

Candidate one is decent at singing, mediocre at playing the guitar, and bad at playing the drums. Candidate two has never touched a guitar or drums but has spent their entire life singing so they are amazing at it. Who do you pick to be your lead singer?

Bands are perfect for optimization. Music often uses several different instruments. If there is a specialist for each instrument in a song, the quality of the song should be better. 

I will concede that solo music artists are impressive in the sense that they get to their position in stardom with pure talent. It takes a lot of talent to perform as a solo artist, and they are even more popular oftentimes. 

While more popular, it is not often I would pick a solo artist over a band. The different instruments used in songs accompany each other so well when played by bands. Some notable bands that are amazing that I consider to be better than most solo artists would be Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, and Korn.

It is also important to note that historically speaking, bands made up a majority of Grammy winners. It is not the case now, but bands like U2 and Foo Fighters have won tons of Grammys, which includes U2 earning 22. 

Although popular solo artists are usually more popular, bands are better than solo artists because of their ability to optimize their instrumentation and performance, which is an advantage solo artists do not have. 

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Being alone on stage takes courage

I cannot imagine being a singer because I cannot sing. But having the courage to do a live performance and doing what you love is pretty cool.

I prefer performances by solo artists because there is more focus only on the artist on the stage. There is a lot going on on the stage when a band performs. There might even be more than one singer. 

When there are multiple singers it is still a great performance but just a totally different experience.

Solo artists are usually excellent performers because they have lots of experience of making an entertainment show just on their own. 

A solo artist often has a recognizable voice and it is especially cool when a live performance is done with almost no recorded singing playing when they are singing. It takes a lot for an artist to perform like this, which is why I respect the energy and creativity. 

They have a cool way of expressing themselves through their music and tell their own stories. They are independent but also have a crew to help them with all their success. 

All of today’s technology can enhance a show. A live performance often has graphics in the background and maybe even fireworks, rain, or fire going on, which makes a show entertaining. 

I believe that passion is what thrives a solo artist to either start their career or what keeps them going while doing what they love. You can truly feel their passion when they perform through their music or even their love for their fans. 

Also, a solo artist often has a crew to help but they still have a very creative style. They can show their fans who they are through their style and their clothes. They can style themselves how they want to without other people in a band to disagree.

When talking about music I would like to point out artists who sing in their second or even third language. When practicing you obviously get better at speaking another language so still singing is not easy in the beginning. Many Danish artists sing in English, which is very normal to reach more people.

Being a solo artist  takes a lot of courage and bravery to perform alone and make it entertaining. 

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