Opinion: Students agree, lunch line too long
Students wait in the lunch line which overflows out into the main cafeteria. Long lunch lines have been a consistent issue, and students are fed up.
Lunch. Everyone’s favorite period. It is a place where you can socialize and eat and even catch up on school work, if needed.
After overhearing numerous complaints one day about the period while waiting in order to get food, I decided to ask people what all the fuss was about.
“[The] lunch line is super long and it takes a lot of time to move through it,” sophomore Ethan Ruppert said.
“It’s just too long,” junior Joshua Comprosky said. “I get like five minutes to eat after I get lunch.”
Ruppert and Comprosky are not the only students to complain about the length of the lunch line. After asking numerous others, it appears to be a sentiment largely agreed upon by the student body, myself included.
I had decided this year to start eating the free school lunches, but had to stop most days due to just how much time I was losing by waiting in line to get my food. The 30 minutes allocated for each lunch is hardly enough time, especially when sitting in the lunch line is taking up the majority of the lunch period.
The biggest overall time waster is the wait to get your food. Making the lunch line faster in any way would significantly reduce the amount of time it takes before students get to start chowing down on their meals.
The most popular idea to accelerate the lunch line seems to be increasing the amount of lanes available from two to three. This would significantly speed up the process of getting food out to the students.
“The school should probably open up a third lunch line, [which would] reduce each line by multiple students,” Comprosky said.
Another common complaint is with people cutting in the lunch line.
“I feel like if they could add another person so they can start handing out trays faster and then even put some people on watch to make sure people don’t cut so I can keep my spot in line and get my food quicker,” Ruppert said.
“I feel like I have to [cut in the lunch line] otherwise I wouldn’t have time to eat my food,” junior Daniel Diaz said. “The only reason I do it is because the lunch line is super slow.”
Adding more workers and a third lane to the already present two-lane layout of the lunch line would speed up the overall process of getting students their lunches, and reduce the wild west environment of the lunch line.
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