Benefits of drones fly over potential problems
Standard drones come equipped with four propellers and a camera. The price of these drones has dropped recently, making them easier to purchase and the subject of much debate.
November 9, 2015
“We need more drone regulations,” said President Barack Obama during an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria after a drone landed on the White House front lawn.
The use of recreational drones has become a great debate in the United States, especially since they have had a huge rise in popularity in the past few years. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a drone is any sort of “unmanned aircraft or ship guided by remote control or onboard computers.”
According to the online-shopping site Amazon, the price of a drone with a camera can be as low as $50, but better quality and larger drones can cost consumers thousands of dollars. However, the price of these drones have been dropping the past few years and the devices are now more accessible than ever, which leads to more people owning them and more people using them in ways that they shouldn’t.
This new development in the technological world has its benefits in advancing society. However, the unrestricted use of drones causes problems, mainly with privacy and safety. Drones with camera and video-recording capabilities can interfere with privacy. They can also endanger the safety of aircrafts because they can interfere with air traffic and get caught in the engines of planes.
Some have called for strict regulation of drones because of their misuse, including a drone landing on the White House lawn on May 15 this year. Landing any objects on or near the White House is strictly prohibited, and the perpetrator was quickly arrested. Because of incidents like these, drones should have some limited restrictions put on them, but they should not be banned altogether because of one man’s mistake.
While it’s true that unregulated use of drones would surely cause problems, it’s clear that banning all drones is not the answer. Drones shouldn’t be so completely surrounded by constraints that they cannot even fly.
With the right balance of regulations and freedoms, drone use would satisfy both the party that wishes to ban drones and the many Americans that support the use of drones.
The use of drones needs to be protected. Drones are likely to be vital to the future of many fields and central to many different pastimes, according to a Ted Talk by Vijay Kumar. Drones can assist in several different industries and also replace forms of outdated technology. For example, some farmers have started implementing a practice of counting produce yields with self-manned drones.
From there, a farmer can analyze the data brought in from the drones and see which areas of the crop need extra attention, and to see which areas that do not need as much work. Kumar predicted that this practice will grow productivity of the agricultural industry by tens of percents.
Drones have recently been criticized because of the misuse caused by a relatively small portion of the world’s operators. Though a select few users do not use drones for their intended purposes, drones are still important tools crucial to many industries. Drones should have a reasonable amount of restrictions on their use. Necessary restrictions could include limits on where drones may be flown and protections of personal privacy.
Overall, the use of drones has been beneficial to society and assists in improving other areas of technology. With practical restrictions, drones will be a crucial part of everyday life.