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Griswold earns STAR student, selects Susan King

STAR student Ella Griswold selected AP US History teacher Susan King as STAR teacher. Griswold earned the recognition by scoring highest on the SAT in a single test administration.
STAR student Ella Griswold selected AP US History teacher Susan King as STAR teacher. Griswold earned the recognition by scoring highest on the SAT in a single test administration.
Madi Handley

Senior Ella Griswold has been selected as the Starr’s Mill 2025 STAR student. She earned this by getting a SAT score of 1520. She chose social studies teacher Susan King as the STAR teacher. 

“Ella is incredibly smart,” King said. “She works as hard as I’ve ever seen anybody work, honestly harder.”

Student Teacher Achievement Recognition recognizes and celebrates Georgia high school seniors who have the highest achievement and the teacher who was most influential in their achievement. 

To qualify for STAR student, a senior must have the highest SAT score in one sitting that is either equal to or higher than the average. They must also be in the top ten of their graduating class by the end of junior year. 

Last year Griswold took AP US History taught by King. 

“It was a huge surprise,” Griswold said. “It means a lot to just be recognized like this, especially with having such a long legacy.” 

Griswold will now represent Starr’s Mill to compete for Fayette County STAR student. Whoever wins at the county level will then represent the county at the regional level.

 “She is kind of a perfect storm of a really, really bright kid and a really, really hard worker,” King said. “A kid with a lot of grit.”