School officials investigating overnight vandalism
Parking lot attendant Fred Harrington’s damaged shed window. The vandalism took place sometime Monday night. The incident is currently under investigation as vandalism of school property.
August 16, 2019
School administration and law enforcement are investigating an act of vandalism that occurred earlier this week.
Sometime Monday night an unknown culprit threw a piece of wood through the front window of parking lot attendant Fred Harrington’s shed.
The shed is located in the back of the school at one entrance to the student parking lot.
‘Why would someone do this to me?” Harrington asked. “I thought everyone liked me.”
Cameras surround the property, but no one has been caught. School officials have opened an investigation to find the culprit.
“Vandalism is definitely not something we encourage our students to do and something we take very seriously,” Principal Allen Leonard said. “It has serious consequences both at the school and at home.”
The crime is currently being categorized as vandalism and destruction of property, and has serious consequences.
According to the school’s Code of Conduct, the“[p]enalty may range as follows: Parent notification and/or short-term suspension to a recommendation for a disciplinary tribunal hearing that may result in long-term suspension or expulsion. The student may also be reported to law enforcement.”
Newly appointed School Resource Officer Zane Taylor said the act “could be considered criminal damage to school property.” Such a classification of the crime could bring additional charges.
In a court of law, the offense “could be considered a misdemeanor or felony, based on the circumstances. For a misdemeanor vandalism conviction, you could face up to a year in jail, fines and other penalties.”
School administration encourages anyone with information regarding this crime to talk to SRO Taylor in the attendance office.
Fred Harrington • Aug 17, 2019 at 10:07 am
I only hope this person was able to get over the anger they had, and this was just an act to relieve some anger, hoping the anger wasn’t aimed at me. But if it was I would love to try to rectify whatever I have done. Here’s hoping that the rest of your year is all filled with happiness