Kindness at Starr’s Mill
The Octagon Club will be hosting Kindness Week the week before winter break. They want to encourage kindness to bring the community together.
February 7, 2019
This semester the Octagon Club will be hosting a Kindness Week to promote positivity around the school. The club strives to prove that anyone can make a difference with a simple act of kindness.
“It’s a very simple way to make the school day a little bit more fun, and also to try to bring a little bit of positivity in to the school environment,” Octagon Club sponsor Sean Hickey said.
The club hopes that the week will lead students to open a door for someone, sit next to someone new, or even just say hello to a friend. The club strives for community that works together. They want the school day to have a little bit more life and fun.
“It just gets the whole school involved in something that is easy, it’s nothing hard. It really helps recognize the things we don’t normally recognize,” club president Makaela Cleary said.
Each day will have an objective for kindness. The students will be handing out cards with the daily theme on them. There will also be shout out on the announcements every day stating the theme. The week will be hosted the week before winter break.
Monday – Thank one student who has shown you kindness. Tell them what they did and how it made you feel.
Tuesday – Do something kind for two students you don’t know.
Wednesday – Give three students a compliment about something you noticed about them. (Personally or something they did)
Thursday – Ask four students you don’t know about their day. Listen
Friday – Make eye contact, smile, and greet every student you pass in the hall. It’s contagious!
The Octagon Club wants to spread positivity in the school and community. So as Kindness Week approaches, embrace the club’s slogan: “Remember…Kindness is Contagious…Pass it on!”