High number of Starr’s Mill students interview for GHP

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The Governor’s Honor Program is a prestigious camp for students. The program will take place at Berry College from mid-June to mid-July.

Kathleen Stephens, Staff Writer

The Governor’s Honor Program is a highly praised, highly competitive summer program. This year, twenty-two Starrs Mill students were nominated to interview for the Governor’s Honors Program taking place next summer.

“A teacher nominates, then it goes to the county, and we send those names in and then [Oct. 31] is the county level interviews,” assistant principal Brandi Meeks said. “Of those, the county can pick 50 kids total to move onto the state level.”

Students to be chosen would have to make it through all rounds of interviews for the particular subject they have been chosen for. These subjects include foreign language, math, English, social studies, and fine arts.

There was a total of 18 juniors and 4 sophomores on the list of nominees. This included a nice mix of English, math, drama, science, and social studies.

“Its open for current sophomores and juniors, and usually it’s a mix of the two and every year it’s a little bit different,” Principal Allen Leonard said.


Sophomore Elleri Carruthers – Chorus (Soprano I)

Junior Jaeyoung Choi – Instrumental (Oboe)

Sophomore Kaitlyn Doyle – Communicative Arts

Sophomore Annabella Ellis – Chorus (Soprano II)

Junior Scott Fennel – Science

Sophomore Abigail Gedeon – Communicative Arts

Junior Sarah Goins – Science

Junior Olivia Herman – Social Studies

Junior Aulden Jones – Science

Junior Zach Livsey – Social Studies

Junior Madison Lucas – Science

Junior Grace Maneein – Communicative Arts

Junior Trey-Lee Orndoff – Chorus (Baritone)

Junior Jordan Owens – Communicative Arts

Junior Kyle Robinson – Spanish

Junior Erin Rogers – Drama (Acting)

Junior Brock Spence – Mathematics

Junior Dalton Walraven – Science

Junior Olivia Wernecker – Drama (Acting)

Junior Henfei Yao – Mathematics

Junior Hannah Yokosawa – Communicative Arts

State-level interviews will take place in February. After those, the list will be narrowed to those who will attend the summer program at Berry College.