Students organize “school safety” letter drive
Photo via Flickr (Mariya Chorna) under Creative Commons license
The letter drive is an opportunity for students who were unable to participate in the walkout. Students leading the drive hope to receive at least 100 letters to mail to Congress.
March 19, 2018
On March 14, 12 Starr’s Mill students walked out of school as part of an event led by the Women’s March “Empower Youth” branch in order to promote school safety legislation.
However, due to the county threatening protesters with suspension, many students who are opinionated on the issue were unable to participate due to risk of jeopardizing college acceptance. Alas, students who wish to act on the issue will have an opportunity to do so later this week without risk of punishment.
In lieu of a protest during school hours, Starr’s Mill students have organized a letter drive to be held during all three lunches on March 21 and March 22. In the 2016 election cycle, Georgia Representatives in Congress Johnny Isakson and Drew Ferguson both took thousands of dollars from the NRA and have been chosen to receive the letters collected.
“I think [the letter drive] is good because it allows students to back up their political speech and anger on the situation with action that can have real world consequences,” junior Blythe Terry, one of several students helping organize the drive, said.
The letter drive will be an effort to promote student action on school safety, but will also focus on gun control as both issues are currently connected in United States politics.
Students are encouraged to write and bring their own letters to the letter drive. There will also be materials available for students to write their own letters at the drive. For students who would rather not write a letter but still feel compelled to act on the issue a standard, pre-written letter will be available for signing. All student-written letters must be relevant and school appropriate.
Starr’s Mill Principal Allen Leonard has expressed his support for the student organizers of this event. “I am always in favor of students exercising their first amendment rights in a non-disruptive manner,” Leonard said.
The letter drive is one of many student-led events being organized in Fayette County in light of recent events. The Prowler will continue to post updates regarding developing plans for future events.