Starr’s Mill theatre prepares for annual competition
Starr’s Mill actors stand together at the end of their rehearsal. Starr’s Mill’s theatre cast will present “These Shining Lives” at Whitewater High School on Oct. 28.
October 24, 2017
Since auditions for both cast members and understudies back in August, the Starr’s Mill theatre department has been working to develop and perfect their play “These Shining Lives” in preparation for this weekend’s GHSA One Act competition.

“These Shining Lives” cast rehearse in preparation for their upcoming shows. They will be performing at Starr’s Mill on Oct. 25 and 26.
“These Shining Lives,” set in the 1920s, features four women from a group of factory workers historically known as the Radium Girls. Radium was unknowingly harmful to workers who used to paint watch faces throughout the 1920s. Such heavy radium exposure led to deadly consequences, as it began spreading sickness to those who came in contact with it.
“The actors are doing a great job at bringing the characters to life. This show is really forcing the actors to go beyond what they’re comfortable at doing,” drama teacher Savahna Silvas said.
Despite them performing in a competitive atmosphere, the cast is more focused on having an opportunity to honor these historic women. They draw inspiration to work hard on their performance from their “need to honor the women and the story,” Silvas said. The Starr’s Mill theatre department wants to spread that same honor and admiration of these four historic women county-wide.
The Competitive One Act is a competition between theatre students that stretches across Fayette County. Determined high school theatre casts strive to create captivating, enthralling performances in rivalry with other schools. The One Act is sanctioned by the GHSA, and the winner will go to the state competition Nov. 10-11. Each cast has a set amount of time to perform their shows, which has proven to be one of the biggest challenges. Because of time cuts, Starr’s Mill’s theatre department “had to cut some stuff off without losing the quality of the show,” Silvas said.
This year’s challenges, however, have given Starr’s Mill’s theatre cast a chance to grow and develop further as a team and as individual actors. Fayette County has a great opportunity to observe and appreciate how the cast has advanced. “I’m excited for them to see how hard the students have worked. It’s inspiring to see their growth and what they’ve done,” said Silvas.
Members of Fayette County should take the time to come see Starr’s Mill compete with Whitewater in a Competitive One Act on Oct. 28. “These Shining Lives” will be performed at Starr’s Mill High School Oct. 25-26 at 7 p.m. The understudy performance takes place Oct. 29 at 2:30 p.m.
“They will have the opportunity to see truly talented actors on stage recreating and retelling a beautiful story,” Silvas said.