Panther Pride’s ‘major’ announcement
Marching band reveals names of next year’s conductors
The Panther Pride Marching Band leads the 2016 Homecoming parade. The band is ready to return to the field in the fall to perform their new show, a modernized rendition of “Swan Lake.”
March 13, 2017
“I’m excited for the season to start,” upcoming senior Erin Macke said. “I always enjoy the social part of band like the sectionals after band camp and the long bus rides to games and competitions.”
Starr’s Mill’s Panther Pride Marching Band is already preparing their march back onto the field for 2017.
Band director Scott King started making preparations for the 2017 marching band season during Thanksgiving break of 2016. The show theme for 2017 was announced in December. It will be a modernized version of “Swan Lake.”

The 2016 Panther Pride color guard huddles before their halftime performance at a football game. The captains last year were senior Maddy Hammond, junior Lilly Hammond, and junior Aurelia Slay. The captains for the 2017 season have yet to be determined.
Staff meetings have been held in order to create the show. King has also picked and arranged some of the music to be used. As far as preparing the actual band, clinics and auditions for the marching percussion and drum majors have been held. The band auditions will take place later, and the color guard clinics are on April 11-13 and 17-19 from 4:00-6:30 p.m. The actual audition will be April 20, starting at 4:00 p.m.
“What we tell all the leaders, is that they actually start the first day of band camp,” King said. “We’re observing them, their interactions, and responsibility.”
A very important aspect to the marching band is the drum majors. Students who auditioned for the position spent five days with an instructor who worked with them to improve their conducting. For the audition, they had to conduct a song and basic patterns. The auditioners have to participate in marching band for at least one year prior to auditioning.
After auditions for 2017, the drum majors will be Macke and upcoming sophomore Kennedy Blanks.
“I learned how to lead people my age and older and how to gain their respect,” Macke said. “I learned many leadership skills that will help me in the future.”
Macke played the flute her first year of marching band and piccolo her sophomore year. She was assistant drum major her junior year, and this will be drum major again in 2017.
Blanks was also selected to be assistant drum major alongside Macke. In King’s years working with the Panther Pride Marching Band, he has only selected four sophomore drum majors, including Blanks. She played clarinet her freshman year in marching band.
According to Blanks, her parents were in marching band, and she always wanted to be drum major. She believes that her previous leadership positions in student council and Beta Club in middle school will contribute to improving Panther Pride Marching Band.
“It’s an honor to be chosen as assistant drum major,” Blanks said. “With hard work and practice, I will make sure that the band is in good hands.”
Once the band members are set in place, Panther Pride will rehearse their show to perfection and perform at football games and competitions in the fall.
“I am looking forward to performing our show,” Blanks said. “Next year is going to be an amazing show, and I hope everyone will enjoy it.”