New location, new friends, new life lessons
Beta Club attends annual convention
The 2017 Beta Convention gave students several opportunities to expand their friend groups. “Every year students talk about getting to know people that are outside of their usual group at school,” Beta Club co-sponsor Kelly Rock said.
February 9, 2017
The Starr’s Mill Beta Club took its annual trip to the state Beta Convention from Jan. 18-20. This event, which usually takes place at the state’s capital, had a twist this year and was hosted in Savannah. “This trip was different in that the students were able to spend time experiencing the city more than they were previously able to when the trip was in Atlanta,” Beta Club co-sponsor Kelly Rock said.
Over the three days they spent together, the Beta members enjoyed a variety of academic competitions, inspirational speakers, and even voted for the new president, vice-president, and secretary of the Georgia Beta chapter.
“The students always form new bonds and strengthen existing bonds on the trip,” Rock said.
Inspirational speakers even came to teach lessons at the convention. “The students get to listen to speakers during convention that are very motivating,” Rock said. One of the speakers discussed the importance of seizing any and all opportunities that life provides.
The trip also included several learning opportunities outside of the convention’s activities. Savannah’s historic culture gave the students special insight on some of America’s greatest stories, such as World War II and Sherman’s March to the Sea during the Civil War. “The city was very happy to have us there, and the shopkeepers and restaurant owners went out of their way to make us feel welcome,” Rock said.
While students had the chance to explore the surrounding city of Savannah, sophomore Jacob Just-Buddy had the chance to show his colors within the convention. Just-Buddy was the only Starr’s Mill student to place in his event, poetry. He took third and also carried the Starr’s Mill flag at the ceremony held on Thursday. “For the longest time I had prayed that I would win something or be recognized in a way that would justify my creativity in poetry,” he said. “Winning third place at Convention was spectacular, and I will forever be grateful for that gift.”