MUSINGS earns “Excellent” rating from GSPA
Musings posters are located in every writing lab and English room and contain submission forms for the 2016 edition of the literary-art magazine. Musings is currently accepting creative writing submissions until Jan. 29.
October 15, 2015
“I have always had a passion for all forms of art, and writing is definitely one of the best there is,” senior McKenna Alberstadt said. “It has also always been one of my favorite things to do, whether in school or just for fun.”
Currently, Alberstadt is the co-editor-in-chief of Musing, the Mill’s literary magazine, because this allows students to express own interests and passions in the literary art.
Last year’s 11th edition of Musings, published in May, earned an “Excellent” rating from the Georgia Scholastic Press Association. Although co-sponsor and English teacher Jillian Bowen is happy with the “Excellent” grade, she said that they “are aiming for that perfect [superior] score one day,” and she hopes her team of writers can achieve it this year.
Musings publishes different literary works ranging from short fiction and nonfiction to poetry and more. Last year, co-sponsor Justin Spencer’s Writer’s Workshop class published the magazine. This year an Advanced Creative Writing class was added to the schedule taught by Bowen, so both classes will help with the production of the magazine.
The literary magazine is composed of pieces submitted by students in the class or around the school, and Writer’s Workshop helps choose the prevailing pieces and complies the works into the magazine.
Musings’ purpose is to develop writing patterns among teens in the school, and to help them have greater respect to literary customs.
“Since Starr’s Mill promotes excellence, I definitely think that getting students together and working to make something from their own work, and others’, is very important,” senior co-editor-in-chief Jolene Berthold said. “Not only does the publication set high standards for the school and other schools around the country, it also gives students and educators an example of pride, excellence, originality and creativity, which can provide the inspiration that they need in order to create something bigger and better of themselves and the activities they participate in.”
Musings was graded in six different categories that include the cover, organizational structure, the layout, editing and proofreading, typography and illustrations and photography. Each category contains several sub-categories that comprise the total score. Each element is rated on a scale of 1-4.
According to the GSPA, a score of four means the magazine “exceeds standards,” while a score of one shows that “all elements of standard are missing from magazine.” The highest possible score a magazine can earn is 120. After the committee reviewed Musings, it received a score of 101. In order to earn an “Excellent” rating, a literary magazine must score between a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 109. Musings was eight points away from achieving “Superior.”
“The rating wasn’t just for me, it was for everyone. Everyone is excellent, and everyone deserves to feel like that,” Alberstadt said.
Students interested in submitting works for the 2016 edition of Musings can ask their English teachers for a submission form, see Bowen in room 706 or Spencer in room 703.
This year, Musings accepts submissions from the beginning of the school year through Jan. 29. In order for an entry to be submitted, works must be typed, double-spaced or neatly written in blue or black ink, front-sided only. Students can also email entries to [email protected] ,and get addition information from [email protected] and [email protected]