Brittany Beckham
Former Panther’s ambition contributes to myriad of success
Starr’s Mill alumna Brittany Beckham overlooking planning of her company Lutzy. With the soon to be launched fashion app, Beckham plans to revolutionize how is shopping done.
Even when Panther alumna Brittany (Fletcher) Beckham was young, she always set high goals for herself. Every daunting ambition she set out to achieve, Beckham has made come true through her hard work. From competing on the “The Price Is Right” and “The Amazing Race” to being married to a professional baseball player and starting her own business, Beckham’s success is evident through her many achievements.
“I’ve always been a go-getter,” Beckham said. “I think when you put your mind to something that’s just who I am. I’m always going after things that I want to achieve and accomplish and make a difference.”
Beckham’s strong aspirations for success started when she was just a child dreaming of competing on “The Price Is Right” and winning the Showcase Showdown. Every day she would tape the show and study the items and prices until she became excellent at determining the item’s prices. After researching how to get on the show, Beckham made her dream a reality by traveling out to Los Angeles with her friends for her 18th birthday.
“When I was five-years-old, I told my mom I was going to win the Showcase Showdown on ‘The Price Is Right’,” Beckham said.
Knowing just the right time to arrive to the studio and even performing a standing back tuck to impress the auditioners, Beckham managed to be first in line to compete on the game show. When it came to the competition, Beckham’s long hours of studying paid off and she was able to not only advance to the Showcase Showdown but win.
“It was crazy,” Beckham said. “It was a dream come true. First off, to get there was mind-blowing, and then to get up on stage as the first contestant and to be standing there with Bob Barker playing a game, to spinning the wheel and then to winning the Showcase Showdown was just crazy. It was definitely a goal I had always set, and I went after it and achieved it.”
During her time at the Mill, Beckham was a well-rounded student, participating in both sports and several clubs. Beckham was the captain of the varsity football cheerleading squad, as well as a member of Beta Club, Spanish Club, and National Honor Society. Like many dedicated students of the Mill, Beckham was able to juggle cheering with maintaining high grades, a testament to her devotedness in high school.
Inspired by Jessica Simpson, Beckham set another impressive goal for herself by wanting to be the CEO of a company. This career choice may seem intimidating and nearly impossible to achieve for some, but not Beckham. Just like how she set out to win the Price is Right, Beckham worked hard to live the business lifestyle of Simpson and her efforts would later prove this to come true.
“[Jessica Simpson] is extremely smart when it comes to business and I think that’s why I’ve always liked her,” Beckham said. “I mean she runs a billion dollar empire and she’s someone that doesn’t really care what people think about her, and I think that’s why I’ve always looked up to her. She reminds me of myself.”

Former Panther Brittany Beckham with her husband Gordon Beckham, an infielder for the Seattle Mariners. In addition to her husband playing professional baseball, Brittany’s father Scott Fletcher played in the MLB while she was growing up.
After her time at the Mill came to an end when she graduated in 2005, Beckham attended Auburn University and majored in logistics and minored in Spanish. Although Beckham questioned what exactly to major in, she later found her choice in logistics to be beneficial in her career field.
“I ended up having majored in logistics and it’s kind of funny how now the entire world literally is logistics and supply chain,” Beckham said. “What I’m doing not only in my company currently, but on a daily basis, uses logistics.”
The personal relations of Beckham’s life are just as incredible as her successes in both her career and life goals. Surrounded by baseball her whole life, it was only fate that Beckham would end up marrying Gordon Beckham, current MLB infielder for the Seattle Mariners. Growing up, Beckham’s father Scott Fletcher was also an MLB player. Fletcher played for several different teams during his professional baseball career which spanned from 1981 to 1995.
“It’s not as glamorous as it looks, that’s for sure,” Beckham said. “It’s definitely a blessing to be able to live in different cities and travel and support [the team]. It’s definitely a lot of behind the scenes that people just don’t get to see. It’s one of those things where obviously it’s great to be able to go and be at baseball games and have a good group of friends that are other baseball wives who are a really a good support system as well because they understand what you’re going through.“
Through her connections to the MLB and personal accomplishments, Beckham found herself on yet another TV show. This time Beckham was competing on Emmy award winning reality show “The Amazing Race.” After being reached out to by the show’s producers over social media, Beckham eagerly decided to try out. The extremely popular television program fit right in with Beckham’s competitive nature and she was cast for the twenty-first season.
“I’ve always been so competitive my whole life,” Beckham said. “I think growing up around a sport and my dad having played baseball for as long as he did, I think it was just in my blood of competitive nature of wanting to always compete. When it was a show to where you could travel the world and basically be on a race and a competition to win a million dollars it was one of those things I had on my bucket list as well and wanted to go after it and achieve it. I put my mind to it and there I was.”

Alumna Brittany Beckham (right) with college friend Caitlyn King (left) during her time contending on “The Amazing Race.” Along with starring on the reality show, Beckham also competed on “The Price Is Right.”
Although Beckham and her partner and college friend Caitlyn King were eliminated after the third leg of the journey due to an event that came down to luck, Beckham had an unforgettable experience. During the show she was able to travel to Indonesia, Shanghai, Thailand and Taipei, become closer to one of her good friends, and have an adventure she can look back upon her whole life.
“I think anything you go through in life you definitely learn from and I think having travelled the world in such a competitive way and a different way than most people travel definitely teaches you to embrace the culture and really just use your competitiveness and your skills that sometimes you didn’t even know that you had to really advance you,” Beckham said. “If anything you look back and you’re just proud because it’s definitely not easy. And when you’re able to say that you’ve done that it allows you to bring that to other situations. Especially with my company moving forward and to remind myself when I put my mind to what I want to achieve the sky’s the limit.”
A couple years after Beckham’s journey on “The Amazing Race,” she was able get her company off the ground and achieve the career position she had always wanted. Four years ago, Beckham starting the planning, computing, and logistics of her soon-to-be-launched fashion app, Lutzy. Beckham plans to revolutionize the fashion industry by changing the way consumers purchase clothes.
“I’ve always loved the tech industry and I’ve always loved fashion,” Beckham said. “So it was one of those things where I did pharmaceutical sales and I had stopped and when I went to think about what I wanted to do next I didn’t really know.”
Through her seemingly endless work, Beckham has been remapping and reconstructing the elements of the internet and how the computer works so that using Lutzy will be as effortless as possible for users.
“It’s pretty incredible if you look back at how far I’ve come in four years and the amount of work that’s gone into what I’ve been doing,” Beckham said. “You never even realize how much work goes into starting a business. It’s one of those things you just keep going every single day and you look back and you can tell yourself ‘wow’ because it’s a lot to accomplish to get to where I’m standing at this moment.”
The next steps for Lutzy are to work through raising venture capital and funding and start hiring employees. With the app, consumers will be able to find the perfect outfit for their occasion by providing basic information. The app is going to be designed to making shopping faster, easier, and more customized.
“My final and end goal I would like to achieve is blessing this entire world with clothes and changing the way that users are shopping,” Beckham said.
Throughout Beckham’s many accomplishments so far, the creation of Lutzy has certainly been the most time-consuming and in-depth challenge she’s faced. Beckham hopes that with the app’s launch she change the way we get ready on a day-to-day basis and that her hard work will pay off once again.
“My husband actually told me ‘Don’t talk about. Be about it’,” Beckham said. “That’s literally what inspired me to go for it.”
Looking over Beckham’s unbelievable success story, one can see the inspiration Beckham has become for current students of the Mill. She once stood in our shoes and now stands as an idol through her competitive nature, dedication, and innovation in the world of fashion and business.
Beckham’s proven that anything is obtainable for a kid from Peachtree City with the drive to accomplish it.