Starr’s Mill re-hatches the back-to-school fashion phenomenon
Junior Leah Laskey, wearing a plain top with ripped jeans, models one example of this year’s back to school fashion and junior Jessica Hoelle, wearing a big T-shirt and Birkenstocks, models the other common trend. These two students’ outfits make up a majority of the fashions seen around the Mill.
September 15, 2016
August is the back to school month at the Mill, and students flood into the building with brand new books, school supplies, and fashions for fall. Fall styles are constantly changing and currently the most popular style seems to be plain tops and jeans or ripped jeans for dressing up.
Lizard Thicket, a local boutique, has many girls heading its way to find the latest trends. The most popular tops that girls seems to purchase are plain dress shirts, which normally cost between $26 to $36. The well-known boutique has “super cute dresses and jeans” junior Leah Laskey said, two items that always draw students back for more.
Some students don’t care for the boutique rage, and instead indulge in the ‘lazy-day’ fashion trend of wearing an oversized T-shirt and Nike Fits. “I wear large T-shirts and Nike fits for the lazy days because I am at the point in life where I don’t care what people think of me and I’m not trying to impress anyone,” Laskey said.
This seems to be the look many students have been rocking recently when they don’t feel like dressing up. On the other hand, many students love to dress up for school. “I don’t buy outfits for comfort, [I buy them] because I think they are cute,” junior Jessica Hoelle said.
Peachtree City offers plenty of shopping options for students looking for cute and comfortable T-shirts. Country Club Prep, one of the new additions to the Peachtree City Avenue, has students swarming their way to find the newest preppy trends.
Together, Pokemon Go, the number one trending application in the Apple app store, and Country Club Prep worked simultaneously to gain users and customers by corresponding the level someone reached in the game to the percentage they got off their purchase in the store. Many students came back to school with clothing items from Country Club Prep as a result of this promotion.
Birkenstocks were a small trend many years ago, mainly with adults, but just recently a surge in student-purchases have revived the brand, making them one of the most popular and versatile shoes to wear. “Year to year style changes but items always seen to resurface, like Birkenstocks. They died off but came back since they are cute and comfortable,” senior Sydney Soto said.
It seems students at the Mill enjoy mixing up their outfits, whether it be to wear the “no-effort- whatsoever” T-shirt and shorts look, or the dressy boutique outfit. “I usually wear the T-shirt and Nike Fits look once or twice a week [but] the rest of the week I dress up,” Hoelle said.